Factors Affecting Breathlessness: Exertion

The type of exertion made in activity can be a factor in your breathlessness. Consider the energy needs of what you are doing; can I make this simpler, can I break it down into parts, can I use a piece of equipment to make it easier, can I take out the bending and reaching, can I sit whilst I do the job at hand?


The goal is not to stop being active but to change the way you do things in order to maintain your independence for as long as possible.


Factors Affecting Breathlessness: Body position

Today we will start a small series of tips to manage shortness of breath for lung awareness month.
Factors affecting breathlessness can be used to limit exacerbations and promote healthy choices.
i. Body position- shortness of breath can catch you unawares at times in the middle of activity. It is important to use the environment around you to sit or lean forward, reducing energy and oxygen needs and opening the chest for expansion, relaxing the shoulders and focusing on relaxing the breath out.