The Humble Dressing Stick

Recently I met with a patient who was frustrated over her difficulty in removing a pair of trousers with ankle elastic. Breathlessness and inability to bend for sustained time was the source of anxiety. There sitting on the shelf unnoticed and looking rather understated was the dressing stick awaiting its moment of glory.

Sliding it down directly over the heel through the pant leg and with a slight raise of the bent knee was all it took to remove the offending piece of clothing.

We all like to be independent and manage things without resorting to aids but take a moment and consider the humbleness of this simple stick with a hook and give it the glory due. No matter your age, this stick can make your life just a little simpler.

From the Horses Mouth

A recent Lung Foundation Seminar at Chermside had two lovely ladies give their knowledgable tips on coping with chronic breathlessness. Thank you to Lyn McDade and Joanne Smith! Have a try of these top 10:

  1. Understand your limits by listening to your body
  2. Go gently on difficult days but keep going.
  3. Connect with peers, friends and support groups
  4. Stress management and meditation
  5. Avoid foods that increase inflammatory responses in the body
  6. Complimentary medicine pathways
  7. Quiet Time and Prayer
  8. Exercise – walk groups, yoga, massage, hydrotherapy
  9. Self care as a prevention tool – layering for cold sensitivity
  10. Avoid ill acquaintances and high risk situations – busy crowds in flu season!