That First Step is a Doozy!

Have ever wondered where this saying came from? Well I can’t answer that but I can tell you why it makes sense.

Did you know that the first 3 steps of any ascent or descent are the most unsafe. This is for various reasons such as concentration, distraction as to where or why you are climbing the stairs, foot accommodation on the tread, change in step pattern or stride…

The way to be safe is to use a rail, but many rails don’t start or finish where they are supposed to. The standards we set for handrails in Australia take notice of the above concerns and specify that rails need to start before the steps do, and finish after they do. This way as you reach the landing on either end you still have something to hold to steady yourself on arrival.

Be confident that your arrival at your destination is always a safe one by making sure that your rail is with you throughout the entire journey.

Safe travels!

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