Did you know that humming is good for your health? Especially if its combined with nasal only breathing. (Refer Weitzberg and Lundberg “Humming Greatly Increases Nasal Nitric Oxide”). Naturally produced nitric oxide in the sinuses is the one of the keys in the regulation of inflammation and immune defence. Blocked noses also benefit. Recently had a patient who used a set of 4 humming exercises every day with her usual relaxed diaphragm breathing and she has found her usual drip and block has cleared. Wonderful result for anyone with asthma who dreads the seasonal changes and the accompanying nasal overload.
Try this exercise on for size: For 2-3 minutes inhale 4 counts, exhale 6 counts with a hum and hold nose for 4 then repeat. If its a bit hard then lower the numbers and build slowly.
Of course regular use helps greatly. If anyone has difficulty with shortness of breath, assessment and individual plans are recommended.